Friday, March 29, 2019

Please join us for our first Single Moms Conference!!!


If you are a single mom, this conference is for YOU!! It will be especially beneficial for those who are recently single, newly divorced or currently going through the divorce process. Divorce is such a difficult and draining process and is nothing like you've experienced before. We want to help you learn to find your "new normal" as you move forward in your lives. We want to share ideas of what works and what doesn't using real life experiences and results.

Please join us for an exciting and educational conference that will empower and uplift you. We have a full line up of AMAZING speakers who will be speaking from the heart about their own difficult experiences, knowledge and hard lessons that will hopefully save you time, money and heartache as you embark on this new journey. #singlemomlife

Tickets are only $12.00 and if you grab a friend you can get two tickets for $20.00 if purchased before 4/1/19!!! Come to as little or as much as you can. The information you gather from this conference is invaluable and will not only help direct you, but will empower you and help you to realize that no matter what life throws at matter what depths of darkness you've come can lift your head high and say, "Still I Rise!" This is a conference you will not want to miss!!

There is a special takeaway to the first 60 attendees that sign up and there will be a drawing with some fun prizes. Light refreshments will be served.

*This conference is not sponsored by any church organization, but is recognized that many of our speakers are Christian and may speak about how their religion and faith has helped them during their single mom journey. All are welcome!

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Monday, March 18, 2019

Dating Book Suggestion!!

One of my favorite dating advice books is by Alisa Goodwin Snell. It's called "Dating Game Secrets for Marrying a Good Man" and you should absolutely check it out!!  The link to buy the book is here. And, you can find more information by Alisa here.

Happy Dating!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Updated Intro:

Divorced single mother of three children for the last 11 years. I attempted a 3.5 year remarriage and blending of 5 teenagers and a dog and a didn't go so well...but there were many reasons for that.
In 2008, I started a single parents' blog but let it go when Facebook took over the blogging world...and I got married. After divorce, I wanted to bring the blog back to life, but was unable to get access to it. So, this is the single parent replacement blog (and only) ten years later. If only I had kept up for the last ten years. :( This blog supports issues that accompany being a single Latter-Day Saint parent and encourages vulnerability and healing through friendship, support and events. Take a look around....let us know what you is appreciated. How can we help each other through this not so simple single life?

Link to old blog:

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Beginning...

Everyone has a beginning. Everyone has a story. Everyone has terrible chapters in their stories. So terrible that at times you think you can not go on another day. But, then it clears, even if for a moment. The storm passes and you can breathe again. You have time, whatever length it may be, time to prepare for the next chapter. This blog is a place for me to put my thoughts. A place to talk when no one else can bear to hear it anymore. A place that you may find respite from the terrible chapters in your life. This blog is for those that truly want to put the children first and do what is best for them. The children's story is the story that matters. Their stories tell us if we did it right. I want to do it right and I know so many of you want to do it right. It's not always easy to do the right thing and it's not always fun. My hope is that when our own story finally comes to an end, that our children can say that we made it easier for them. That we cared about their story and how it will end.

(Copied from the original blog post from August 24, 2008)